
John Kelleher Media was established in 2011 to develop and produce films, television drama, documentaries and digital content.

Drawing on a wealth of media expertise and experience, the company also supplies professional consultancy services on request.

The company is headed by award-winning producer, John Kelleher, former Controller of Programmes, RTE1 Television, who has produced eight cinema films, including The Guarantee and Eat the Peach, as well as numerous television drama series and documentaries.


John held the position of Director of Film Classification from 2003 until 2009, during which time he was responsible for significantly modernising IFCO (formerly known as the Irish Film Censor's Office). John is a regular broadcaster on Newstalk, where he contributes film reviews to The Hard Shoulder programme on Wednesday evenings.

The company's Head of Development is David Power who co-produced The Guarantee, drama series The Bailout and A Disconnected Rhythm, an arts documentary for TV3.